The Hill Aerospace Museum has a myriad of exhibits, displays and close to one hundred vintage aircraft inside the L.S. Skaggs Gallery, the Hadley Gallery, the Lindquist-Stewart Gallery, and outside in the Museum Air Park. The various scavenger hunts can help you focus on various aspects of the museum and look for themes carried through multiple exhibits. Feel free to download any or all of the scavenger hunts (in PDF format) and have them ready for your upcoming museum visit. We look forward to seeing you as you “Take a Flight Through History!”
This museum scavenger hunt highlights various objects that are a part of the museum collection. The museum scavenger hunt gives visitors of all ages an opportunity to explore and to get better acquainted with some of the most interesting aviation-related artifacts in the United States Air Force! Appropriate for all ages, plan for an hour to complete.
Many aircraft have become better known by their nicknames over the years. For example, the B-52 is known as the “Stratofortress” and the C-124 is known by many as “Old Shaky.” The Emoji Scavenger Hunt depicts many aircraft throughout the Museum as emojis. See how many you can decipher! There is a “KEY” just in case you get stuck and need to find the answers. Recommended for all ages, plan for forty-five minutes to complete.
Museum exhibits offer a chance to learn about the objects in more detail and give a tour through the history of aviation at Hill AFB. This scavenger hunt focuses on the exhibit content and includes a dot-to-dot activity to identify some famous aircraft. Recommended for grades 4th-7th, plan for forty-five minutes to complete.
Museum exhibits offer a chance to learn about the objects in more detail and give a tour through the history of aviation at Hill AFB. This scavenger hunt focuses on the exhibit content and includes a dot-to-dot activity to identify some famous aircraft. Recommended for grades 7th-12th, plan for forty-five minutes to complete.
Airmen are expected to be able to identify aircraft by their silhouette. Use the clues and pictures provided to connect the various silhouettes to the correct name for the aircraft. Then find the exhibit for each aircraft in the museum to learn how it connects to Utah and Hill Air Force Base. There is an answer key available if you get stuck.