
Forrest Jones, Volunteer of the Quarter

January 23, 2019 Volunteers
Forrest Jones, Volunteer of the Quarter

Forrest Jones, Volunteer of the Quarter

Forrest Jones

Forrest Jones was born in Merced, California in 1942. From there his family moved to Fresno where he was raised and attended school. Forrest worked hard his entire life in jobs ranging from auto parts delivery, tree trimming and landscaping and much more. He was honored to attend the first EMT training class in the Los Angeles, California area. He then moved to Orem, Utah where he was a public safety officer. Jones went through the POST program at Weber State University. Upon retirement, he moved to Ogden, Utah.

Throughout his life, Forrest has had an interest in airplanes. His father flew the C-47 aircraft and also gliders, participating in operation Varsity, flying gliders in to Wesel, Germany. Operation Varsity was a successful airborne forces operation launched by Allied troops that took place toward the end of World War II. Involving more than 16,000 paratroopers and several thousand aircraft, it was the largest airborne operation in history to be conducted on a single day and in one location.

Jones has two sons currently serving in the U.S. Military. One is a Marine and the other is a member of the National Guard. He has a brother that is retired from the Coast Guard. Forrest is grateful for the opportunity to volunteer at the Hill Aerospace Museum. He enjoys working along side Veterans. Forrest claims that he learns more every day working with Museum aircraft. It’s like. “being a kid in a candy store.”

you can also hear from him in our Visit with the Volunteer Series Here! 


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