During Hours Event – Stewart-Lindquist Gallery

Stewart-Lindquist Gallery Rental Rules of Engagement:


1. Event Types, Cost & Group Size
The Theater, Lindquist Stewart Gallery, and Skaggs Gallery are each available for a maximum of 3 hours between the hours of 0900 and 1600, Tuesday thru Friday. This includes setup and teardown time. Maximum group size for a daytime event in either the Lindquist Stewart Gallery or Mazer Chapel is 250. If more than 250 attendees are expected, approval from the Museum Director is required. Maximum group size for a daytime event in the Theater is 50. Note these capacities could change due to COVID-19 restrictions.

The fee for a 3 hour event is $150 in the Lindquist Gallery and Theater, and 250 in the Skaggs Gallery. There is no reduction in fee for events lasting less than 3 hours. Costs will increase $50 for every half hour, or portion thereof, that the event goes beyond the contractual time of 3 hours. Cost will increase $120 if the event extends past 1630 and increase $90 for every half hour, or portion thereof, that the event goes beyond 1700.

2. Availability
The Museum will not close for any event. Events will begin no earlier than 0900 and end NLT 1600. Events may not last longer than 3 hours. Setup and teardown is included in the 3-hour interval.

3. Food and Catering.
Catering is not permitted during operating hours. Light refreshments are allowed, to include water and contained desserts. Alcohol, soda, or non-water drinking substances are prohibited during operating hours.

4. Decorations
Signs, decorations, equipment, or supplies bearing a corporate/commercial logo may not be used during operating hours.

All decorations, equipment, and supplies brought into the Museum to support an event cannot be delivered until the day of the event, and support items must be removed at the conclusion of the event. Decorations must not interfere with normal Museum operations. Decorations must not detract from the natural ambience of the Museum, such as blocking/covering an exhibit or walkway.

5. Dry Run/Rehearsals
Museum staff can support one dry run per event; it must occur prior to the scheduled event date. Dry runs are limited to one hour for the purpose of fine-tuning the physical aspects associated with the event (i.e., audio and video checks, physical walk-through of key participants, etc.).

Date and time for a dry run must be approved in advance by the Museum Event Coordinator and will be established based on organization requirements and Museum restrictions.

6. Equipment
The Museum provides garbage cans/liners, tables, chairs, stage, podium, and sound system. The museum does not provide set up or take-down of event supplies. Teardown is required immediately following the conclusion of the event. Trash resulting from facility user or vendor event support must be bagged and disposed of by facility user, vendor and/or caterer.

7. General Information
Visitors cannot take food and beverage out of the designated event area. Barriers around the exhibits and aircraft cannot be moved and exhibits within the Museum buildings cannot be moved for any reason.

8. Media
The 75th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office must approve in advance all notifications and invitations to the media by a facility user.

9. Parking
Parking and/or access is not permitted behind the Museum’s North Gate for event space users.

10. Setup for Events
The facility user must provide a crew to setup and teardown down all equipment used for events.

11. Staff
The facility user will designate an usher to meet guests upon their arrival, provide direction, answer inquiries, interact with the caterers, etc. The facility user must provide all staff required for the successful execution of their event. An adequate setup/teardown down crew is normally 8 to 10 people.

12. Safety & Security
If an event will include more than 100 DoD-affiliated personnel, it is the facility user’s responsibility to contact the installation’s Antiterrorism Office (801-777-6155/1868) to determine the vulnerability assessment and risk acceptance requirement, if any.

Facility users must follow all state and federal social distancing requirements, as well as group gathering restrictions, if any. Once an event is complete, the facility user must wipe down all museum equipment used and attendee chairs with supplied disinfectant and paper towels. Cleaning products are located in the supply cabinet next to the communications cabinet.

13. Event Completion
Facility users must conduct a site walk with Museum staff to ensure all agreement obligations have been met at the conclusion of an event.

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Event Space Rental

9:00 I 11:00 I 1:00