
Lockheed NC-130B Hercules

  • Lockheed NC-130B Hercules
  • Lockheed NC-130B Hercules
  • Lockheed NC-130B Hercules
  • Lockheed NC-130B Hercules

The NC-130B Hercules

Lockheed designed the C-130 Hercules in the late 1950s as the first purpose-built troop carrier, and the aircraft has been a workhorse for the US Air Force ever since. Historically, C-130s have displayed their rugged versatility and have been modified for a variety of roles, ranging from troop transport to weather reconnaissance to Cold War satellite retrieval. The C-130 is one of the most widely used, adaptable, all-purpose cargo aircraft that the United States and other nations around the world still employ.

A Herculean Task

Since the C-130 entered service, Hill Air Force Base has played a key role in keeping the Hercules in tiptop flying shape. On 15 October 1958, the men and women of Hill Air Force Base took on maintenance and support responsibilities for C-130 landing gear components. The Ogden Air Logistics Complex on base continues to support this airframe through maintenance, overhaul, and repair.

Reconnaissance Retrieval Aircraft

This C-130 has a storied history, beginning as the second B model manufactured by Lockheed. Starting in 1960, this C-130 served at Edwards Air Force Base, California, where it supported jet-assisted take-off (JATO) testing. Then, in May 1973, it served at Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii. While there, this aircraft performed aerial retrieval of classified reconnaissance satellites as they floated back to Earth via parachute. After its time at Hickam, the Air Force assigned this airframe to Hill in 1987. At Hill, the aircraft served as an electronic test platform and as a cargo transport. In January of 1994, the aircraft made its final move to the Hill Aerospace Museum.

This aircraft is on loan from the U.S. Air Force Heritage Program.

Lockheed NC-130B Hercules
Lockheed NC-130B Hercules Blueprint

Lockheed NC-130B Hercules

Serial Number: 57-0526

Manufacturer: Lockheed

Primary Function: Global Airlift

Crew: Five (two pilots, navigator, flight engineer and loadmaster)

Engines: Four Allison T56-A-7 turboprops; 4,050 hp each

Wingspan: 132 ft 7 in

Length: 97 ft 9 in

Height: 38 ft 3 in

Weight: 72,892 lbs (empty); 135,000 lbs (maximum takeoff weight)

Speed: 356 mph (cruising); 384 mph (maximum)

Range: 2,090 miles

Service Ceiling: 41,300 feet

Armament: None

Payload: 35,000 lbs

Cost: $22,900,000 (approximate)

Years of Service: 1956 – present

The NC-130B Hercules at Hill Air Force Base

This NC-130B-1-LM, S/N 57-0526, was the second B Model Hercules manufactured by Lockheed Corporation of Marietta, Georgia (Lockheed Number 3502). It was delivered to the USAF as a JC-130B in February 1959 and assigned to the 6515th Organizational Maintenance Squadron for flight testing at Edwards Air Force Base, California, in November 1960.

While with the 6515th, the aircraft was used for jet-assisted take-off (JATO) testing, then it was turned over to the 6593rd Test Squadron’s Operating Location No. 1 at Edwards. The plane spent the next seven years supporting the top-secret Corona Program. The J status and prefix were removed from the aircraft in October 1967.

In May 1973, the aircraft was transferred to the 6593rd Test Squadron of the 6594th Test Group at Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii. There it was modified to perform mid-air retrieval of satellites and other objects as they floated back to earth beneath parachutes, under the Falling Star project and others. The aircraft was also used to recover high-altitude air samples in various locations around the world.

The plane was acquired by the 6514th Test Squadron at Hill Air Force Base in January 1987. While assigned with that unit, the plane was used as an electronic testbed and as a cargo transport. In January 1994, the aircraft was finally retired with over 11,000 flight hours and made its final move to Hill Aerospace Museum.

Has a C-130 landed on an aircraft carrier?

In October 1963, the U.S. Navy decided to test out that very theory. With a wingspan of 132 feet and a landing width of just 252 feet on the carrier, the Hercules became the largest and heaviest aircraft to ever land and launch from a carrier.

What does C-130 mean in the military arena?

The C designation is used by the U.S. military to signify an aircraft whose primary role is that of cargo, airlift and logistics. In this case, the C-130 is one of the most versatile aircraft in the U.S. Air Force fleet, with the capability to fill a wide variety of roles and missions as needed.

What vehicles can a C-130 carry?

The Hercules was designed from the ground up to carry a variety of loads; from troops to supplies, to offensive and logistical vehicles, as well as refueling missions, electronic warfare, missiles, bombs and even as an offensive platform—the infamous AC-130U “Spooky” gunship.