
Plane Talk Schedule

Plane Talk Lecture Series

The Hill Aerospace Museum hosts a plane talk series featuring speakers related to heritage of Hill Air Force Base, the United States Air Force, other military branches, and many other subjects related aerospace and the defense industry. Plane Talk began at the Hill Aerospace Museum more than twenty years ago. The speaker series has usually taken place at the Hill Aerospace Museum once a quarter. The series has featured hundreds of notable speakers including Senator Jake Garn, former Viet Nam prisoner of war, Col. Jay Hess, Rear Admiral Jerry Taylor, Col. Robert H. Hinckley, former USAF SAC Commander, Gen. Russell Dougherty, former Hill AFB Commander, Gen. Marc Reynolds and many more.


We look forward to additional Plane Talk Lectures beginning the first quarter of 2026. Stay tuned for more details.


Additional Information on Speakers:

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